Insects and Reptiles
Capturing an insect at work and in motion—focusing on the hair, eyes and wings of a honey bee as it zips into a snapdragon, watching a Gulf Fritillary butterfly ovaposite eggs on a vine, and observing a wasp bite and fly off with morsels of caterpillar—all are moments that inspire my curiosity and desire to look further into the boundless nature all around. One result of that curiosity is my book, Kirby’s Journal: Backyard Butterfly Magic.
Shooting these noisily squawking baby alligators, I kept wondering about their mother—I knew she was nearby, but where? Gators are protective of their young and very fast on land. When I heard her crash into the water, I grabbed my tripod and ran!
The picture of the deformed and dying Monarchs is a visual statement about the environmental consequences of pesticide use.
© 2023 Charlotte Caldwell. If interested in purchasing any photographs or linen cards, please contact me.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Please be advised that all my photographs and books are protected under United States and international copyright laws. Written permission must be obtained before using any of my photographs or other works for social media, paintings, tattoos, blogs, websites, wallpaper, screenshots etc. Crediting the source of the copyrighted work does not substitute for written permission. The photographs may not be downloaded or copied for personal, commercial or educational use without express written permission.