In Yellowstone National Park one can encounter the mighty grizzly (hopefully from a safe distance); view early morning gray wolves returning to their pack after a successful hunt; hike around a bend in the trail and come face to face with a bighorn sheep; chance upon a red fox, an elk stag chewing its cud, a herd of pronghorn antelopes, a family of badgers or grizzly bear twin cubs following their mom to a trout filled stream…
Hiking to mountain lakes in Glacier National Park one finds hungry moose enjoying aquatic vegetation and native mountain goats lounging near the grassy mountain paths…
On our Montana ranch, the very ferocious carnivore, long-tailed weasel entertains us with woodpile antics; and on the East coast, the thrill never ceases when visited by the sweet-dispositioned Atlantic bottlenose dolphins, who’ve come with curiosity to investigate their kayaking cousins.
We are all family!
© 2023 Charlotte Caldwell. If interested in purchasing any photographs or linen cards, please contact me.
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