Scapes- land, sky and sea- glistening with reflections, splashed with atmosphere, and and radiating daybreak wash me with inspiration.
I seek to capture the ephemeral light of crepuscular serenity and the drama of atmospheric phenomena.
Virga is a meteorological term describing rain that evaporates before hitting the earth. In Montana we call it ghost rain. One evening I captured its drama, as it danced and bucked wildly to the howls of an oncoming savage storm.
Standing on a Yellowstone hilltop in the pre-dawn cold, while waiting for rendezvousing wolves, I found myself focusing on autumnal cottonwood trees backlit with the morning’s radiance.
Rising in the dark, stumbling outdoors with my camera and tripod, I reflect on and am overwhelmed by the morning's first rays on a Live Oak Allée, tree swallows slurping water from a mountain pond, and the warm glow on alfalfa round bales.
© 2023 Charlotte Caldwell. If interested in purchasing any photographs or linen cards, please contact me.
COPYRIGHT NOTICE: Please be advised that all my photographs and books are protected under United States and international copyright laws. Written permission must be obtained before using any of my photographs or other works for social media, paintings, tattoos, blogs, websites, wallpaper, screenshots etc. Crediting the source of the copyrighted work does not substitute for written permission. The photographs may not be downloaded or copied for personal, commercial or educational use without express written permission.